Stressed, depressed and not even well-dressed

It’s that time of the year. It’s finally summer. Bugs are upon us. Sweat is everywhere. Too much sun. It’s too warm. All I want to do right now is go to Scandinavia. (I know most of you can’t relate)

Summer is the most boring season for me. (πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ’ƒπŸΌ) I’ve always hated it. When I was little I used to point out that I hate it just because I wanted to annoy mom, but I never actually liked it anyways. In the past few years I get depressed when it’s summer because it’s the least productive season, I don’t travel (as my parents go only to the Bulgarian seaside, while I hate it there). (Don’t you all love my positivism)

Probably the most entertaining thing that will have happened to me this summer is the MTV festival I went to 4 days ago. I met with my internet best friend (whom I hadn’t seen for over a year) and her best friend. We saw Steve Aoki live and I even touched his knee. I REPEAT I TOUCHED STEVE AOKI’S KNEE. And he even caked us. Later that night, covered in cake, me, the two of them and my boyfriend wandered around the city until 1am, that is when I had to say goodbye to them, so it was just me and my boyfriend. Here are two pictures of us during the festival. On the first one I was leaning on my boyfriend’s chest while holding his hand and on the second one – it’s me and my internet best friend after Steve caked us.Β  It’s currently 2am and I’m depressed as hell (Well done Monica, your second blog post and you’re already talking about your depression). All I will be doing this summer is stay in this boring town, probably go to Turkey, but I don’t consider it as a trip or something because my parents have work to do there quite often and I go there a lot anyways and read books. Here are some of the books I’d recommend if any of you hates summer as much as moi does. (Pretending to know French but in reality I know less than 10 words)

1. This Modern Love – Will Darbyshire β€” it’s an amazing book, easy to read (took me no longer than two hours), it’s full of amazing stories, belonging to people all around the world, to which most of us can relate 2. Milk and Honey – Rupi Kaur β€” similar to TML, full of amazing quotesΒ  3. Note To Self – Connor Franta β€” probably not going to enjoy it as much as I did if you’re not a fan of Connor. I shall say that it’s the book I enjoyed reading the most this year I even got a signed copy 😱 4. It’s Not How Good You Are, It’s How Good You Want To Be – Paul Arden β€” I read that one a while ago for the first time, when I was in Milan earlier this year. It gave me motivation to study more and at the same time worry less about my marks. I’ve read it about 10 times (takes me no longer than an hour) and I read it every time I need to be inspired 5. Romeo and Juliet – William Shakespeare β€” how clichΓ© I know.. I’ve never actually seen the movie but god knows why I decided to read the book.. and I actually enjoyed it.. it was hard to read it, probably if you haven’t studied a little bit of German you might not be able to understand the English as it was written a few centuries ago and the language has change a lot

6. Love, Rosie – Cecelia Ahern β€” probably the only novel I actually enjoyed reading cover to cover this year. If you’ve seen the film I bet you already love the story but I can tell you the film is bull*hit compared to the book. So many things that are not included as if it’s a different story (all of you filthy muggles be thinking of it, I know)

7. Harry Potter – J. K. Rowling β€” if you haven’t at least seen the films I don’t think we can be friends; the other day I decided to watch all Harry Potter films but as I was watching Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone I got really annoyed by the fact that so so soooo many thing were not included in the films so I just decided to reread all 7 books

That’s it πŸ“š

Stressed, depressed and not even well-dressed β€” it’s summer, you’re always sweating, it’s too warm, your brain is melting, the last thing you think about is your outfit. That’s why I prefer autumn, it’s way prettier.Β 

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